Saturday, June 29, 2013

Currently for July

I was very happy to see, that even though it is not July yet, I can link up with the wonderful Farley for her Currently :] Probably the most successful linky party that I am a part of each month.. I love to read about what's going on in all YOUR lives each month, so make sure you link up!
 I am very happy with Channing Tatum getting so famous.  Congrats to him and his beautiful wife Jenna on their baby girl. So I am a big fan of "She's the Man" and I am very happy to see it on TV!
I love weddings.. I wish I had more money to give, but I am so excited that I have a wedding July, August, and I am IN my very first wedding in September :] All very exciting and it gives me a chance to unwind and NOT do work like I do every day 12 months a year.
My "thinking" is the most important right now.  When am I going to start enjoying summer? I start summer school not this week, but the following and I will still have lots of tutoring, babysitting, and piano lessons.  But I WILL find time for myself this year... I have to.
My tip for teachers is when making teacher products, make products that YOU will use.  When you do this, you have a purpose for creating your products and you can use them for yourself, and help other teachers.. there is nothing better than that, and you won't be disappointed if it's not a "huge success" because you made it for YOU. 

I hope everyone is having a lovely summer.. let me know if you ever need anything ladies and gents!
Click below to check out what's new in my TPT store :]


  1. I agree that balancing your work and personal life gets tricky. We are going to a wedding today. Have fun at your friend's next week! I am needing a vacation too.
    Fun in ECSE

  2. I love your tips, trick, and hints idea! Everything I make is something that I use or plan on using in my classroom!

    Spotted in First Grade

  3. I'm with ya! I really need to make myself take some time away from work and the computer...
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  4. Finding balance is constantly a goal of mine. I hate when I let work take over and home/personal life suffers. It's hard to keep the two in balance...a daily choice!

  5. Your schedule sounds very busy! Hopefully you can find some time to relax soon!

  6. You deserve some time off! I hope you can find some time for yourself this summer. :)
    Conversations in Literacy

  7. So true. I love making things for my own classroom. Plus it's a bonus when the kids love it, and they ask if I made it for them. :)
    I Love My Classroom
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  8. The work/personal life balance is so hard. Throw in a few kids and it sometimes feels impossible. I am relishing every moment of my summer break this year. Last summer I had 13 days of PD and it really sucked the fun out of my summer. This year I had two days (done already) and 3 days of a grad class. Hope you find that elusive balance!

  9. I am also very happy that Channing is getting famous! :) And I totally agree on making products. I only make things I plan on using!
    ideas by jivey
    Follow Me On Facebook! :)

  10. Such great advice!! I totally agree with you Laura! Hope you have so much fun at the weddings :) I found you though the July Currently! I am your newest follower :)

    The Army Wife Teacher

  11. Love your advice, Laura! So true!! I am thinking of you and all your jobs you have lined up. I hope you can squeeze out some time to really enjoy yourself this summer. You may need to "schedule" it!!
    Love you girl! xxoo
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  12. Balancing.....I am stressing about going on vacation in three weeks because I will start back to school August 5 and I'm afraid I won't get everything accomplished this summer for next year! I'm stressing about VACATION!!! Thanks for reminding me to BALANCE!!!

  13. I am lucky to say I can only enjoy my summer vacation b/c I have no idea if I will be back to subbing ( which I don't want to do yet again!) or if I will actually be teaching. I say a little prayer every day that my forever school comes my way. I do tutor in the summer, but this summer I only have one little girl that I work with! I remember those days when I worked summers and the last 3 years I have been lucky enough to not have to do that! Hope you have one day a week that's all about you! That's what I use to do!


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