Thursday, August 1, 2013

August Currently

Wow... August already? [makes a face] I love Farley's Currently every month, but I just cannot wrap my head around that it's August already... where did summer go? Oh well, I will be excited to meet my kiddos! I know many of you are already back to school [which is foreign to me because of the New York way.] I end school right at the end of June, and then start back up at the beginning of September.  And those of you that go to school year round, I hear great things too! 
I definitely am loving that I am teaching Kinder next year.. a new environment, enthusiasm and appreciation for learning, no state tests (yahoo!) and creating a million lessons and printables 24-7 like I did to meet the needs of my older kiddos.  

I need a new car... mine is slowly going out the door and I cannot continuously put money into it when it's junk anyways.  Here's to my search and a new car payment!

Back to School Must Haves

1. Teacher planner/binder
There are so many amazing products on TPT/TN right now that can help you with your organization and keeping your files together.  This is KEY to helping you stay sane during the year, and some of them are just so cute!!
I have created a Teacher Guide Unit which has many, many printables to put in a binder to keep for child information, schedules, grades, and so much more! 

2. Book Bins
I am so excited to purchase matching ones this year.. I like to stay organized but have never been able to have nice matching book bins.  I will be looking at Target and Really Good Stuff for these :] Who doesn't love Target? My boyfriend knows how dangerous I am when we hit up the Dollar Spot!
 I found this thread that actually compares Really Good Stuff with Target Book Bins... Check it out!

3. Crayola Crayons
I can't handle the "cheap" crayons... I always love a good sale and bargain, but no other crayon company can replace crayola ;] My favorite!

Guess what...
I have reached 1,000+ followers on Facebook!! I am ecstatic! I can't thank you all enough... once I get a free minute this weekend, I will be posting a very special "Back to School" Giveaway :] 


  1. I looked for book bins forever a few years ago. I decided on some ice bins from walmart. I had the store manage order me extras. They are white and made of thick plastic. They work perfect! The cost was about $2 each. I have not had any problems out of them.
    Good Luck!

    1. Very cool!! I will have to look into them! Thanks Diane :)

  2. I am definitely NOT a fan of the cheap crayons either. They always make noise when the kids are coloring! I got my book bins at Target a few years ago and LOVE them! Good luck finding some new ones :)

    Teaching in Room 6

    1. Thanks so much Steph!! I hope my classroom would look as half as nice as yours has in the past!! :)

  3. I will only buy Crayola crayons too. They are $.50 at Walmart and I stock up! I can't imagine starting back to school right now either having lived in NY all my life. It just doesn't seem right to go back "officially" before Labor Day! So excited for you and your K change! No state tests?? Jealous.
    Fourth Grade Flipper

    1. Definitely, Holly!! Do you know when they are on sale??? Is it soon? I need to keep track but I've been so busy :( Haha I know I am so excited about no state tests ;)

  4. I'm in New York also so still have about 4 weeks left of summer. And I'm totally with you about CRAYOLA only! No Rose-Art for me...... :-)

    From Mrs. Allen’s Teaching Files

    1. :) Corrina, that's awesome! Do you live upstate?

  5. Love Crayola too... and btw if you didn't know, they have great phonics and coloring printabls for K on their website. I always copy a few class sets to tuck away for those moments when I need something quick!
    Whimsy Workshop

    1. Ooh nice!! Thanks Susanna, I didn't know that... I would've never thought to look there! Thanks lovely!

  6. Hope you don't have too much trouble finding a new car. I had to buy one at Christmas because mine DIED. I was so heartbroken, and I ended up settling for something I'm not too thrilled about. Maybe next year I'll actually be able to get rid of it.

    Congrats on 1000 followers and your new Kindergarten position!

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late
    Follow me on Bloglovin!

  7. I have 10 days left before I "officially" head back to school....but I've been working for the past two weeks! I love Crayola crayons and colored pencils! Right now they're $.97 at Walmart....definitely worth it for me!

    Enjoy the rest of your summer!

    Surviving Sixth Grade


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