Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September Currently

I am linking up with my girl Farley for her Currently for September :] I am of course late for the party since it's the month of SEPTEMBER.. I know many of you are back to school, but my summer time is July-August.. and I go back a little bit later this year anyways - September 9th.  Meetings start tomorrow and the Back to School bash for my school is Friday, but I am spending most of my time trying to make my classroom look perfect for my Kinders.  It's my first time teaching Kindergarten full time... I have worked in a Kinder classroom, and I have taught Reading K-6 for a few years, but this is it's own world :] I am very excited... and I have had SO many amazing K-2 teachers helping me along the way.  I feel SO blessed and I wish I had the money (and the time) to thank them and shower them with gifts! ;]

I cannot wait to post pictures of my classroom! It's smaller than most of yours, but I am hopefully going to make it cozy and inviting for my kiddies.. I have a wonderful feeling about this year.  I invite you to share any ideas of art projects and creative K ideas though! :] I am sure I will need it!

I want to thank all of the Kindergarten and first grade teachers that have helped me out SO MUCH with resources.. honestly, some of the best people.  That goes along with second through sixth grade teachers as well (and my clipart loves!) for their friendships and advice.  I feel great about this new journey in my life because of all of you!! Blogging and TPT are two of the best things I have ever started because I have met the BEST people!

My 3 loves that I need to do for myself (even though there are a lot) are work out AT LEAST 2 x a week.. I know that's not a lot, but I am a workaholic so it will be a challenge for me.  Spend time with my boyfriend Michael as well and not do work for 14 hours a day is a necessity.. this whole summer was work,work,work.  I don't want life to pass me by without enjoying a little bit of it! And I want to watch at least 30 minutes of TV a night (without doing work) I don't remember the last time I've done that.  Sigh.  I am so glad Farley had that little segment because we all need to remember to love ourselves!!


  1. I love all your positive praise for your team and school! Such a nice fee ling when others go above and beyond to help out! You will be wonderful in kindergarten. I have taught it on and off for several years and it is an incredible grade to teach. Enjoy your first week back:)

    The Resourceful Apple

    1. Thank you Tammy!! :] You are always so sweet! And that comment was about not only my coworkers, but my wonderful blogging friends around the country :] I am so blessed!
      Thank you so much for the words of encouragement! I am excited!!

  2. Thanks for your sweet comments, Laura (although I noticed they came in well after midnight when you should be asleep!) Wishing you a great start up! Let me know if you need anything. : )
    Whimsy Workshop Teaching


I appreciate all of your comments. Thank you so much for stopping by! :)