Sunday, March 16, 2014

St. Patrick's Day

Hi all! I hope you are enjoying your weekend... Sundays always get me everytime because they come so fast! How is everyone?  What have you been teaching in your classrooms?

I just finished my unit on Matter... something very cool to teach to even kids as young as Kindergarten.  I have a 4th Grade Matter Unit that was very easy for me to make and use with my 4th graders... but Kindergarten I wanted them to really understand the basics and not get them too overwhelmed : ) So I created a mini unit of matter for Kindergarten!
 I loved doing the baking soda and vinegar experiment :] Here's a couple pictures... I used a small water bottle because I wasn't fully prepared with a 2 liter, but I am sure the balloon would've expanded a little more with that! The kids LOVED it regardless!

We have also been studying St. Patrick's Day of course... and I have loved using Kindergarten Smorgasboard's unit of glittery and mustache fun! A must have for any Kindergarten teacher :]

 I hope you can enjoy my St Patrick's Day Making Words Freebie as well!

This is a FUN art idea that my kids did during art.. All I had to do was take their pictures, cut out their faces! Our art teacher is great and does a lot with the kids.

 One of my room parents brought in the cutest treat that can be found on Pinterest HERE :]

We did a leprechaun trap together as a class... the kids were so cute about it - let's see if we can catch one! We really are hoping for some gold! One of my sweet kinders said that she didn't want to catch him because he would be scared... I said maybe he would just leave a treat for us instead!

I also just finished and created Base Ten Printables for Kindergarteners and First graders.  If you would like a copy, please leave your e-mail - first 3 comments gets it!

Have a wonderful rest of the day.... think SPRING :]


  1. This looks amazing DDgirl4ever@yyahoo.coom

    1. Julie you are always the sweetest, email sent!

  2. I would love it!

    1. Coming your way, Debbie! Thanks for commenting and I hope you enjoy!

  3. Very cute ideas! I teach fourth grade and just finished our matter unit!


I appreciate all of your comments. Thank you so much for stopping by! :)