Sunday, November 2, 2014

November Currently 2014

November! One of my favorite months :] Best friend's birthday, my anniversary, my birthday, and Thanksgiving.  All wonderful milestones and memories that I love to share each November.  One of my favorite parts is thinking about Christmas and doing all I can to think of the most heart-felt and needed gifts for my family and friends.

Here is a few pictures from my fun Halloween 2014 :] The dollar store next to my house is sadly going out of business, but that means for great deals for my kids! The Halloween mugs shown below were 25 cents each... I couldn't pass them up.  Each child got that, some hot chocolate, and a goodie bag from a teacher who loves them so much :]
My kiddos painted and designed the Halloween clips below (another dollar store item that I got for really cheap!) They painted first, and then drew faces and designs in marker after :] I loved these because they had a magnet on the back so they could go up on their refridgerators.
Me and my Kindergarten team as minions.. I love us!
 Halloween didn't stop at school! I came home to Batman and my sweet pumpkin.

I am so excited to link up with my girl Farley and her November Currently! I missed last month because life just gets in the way, but I am BACK for some Currently love.  
Listening: to my microwave! I need a new one..but I'll probably wait until this one is about to blow. And there's something about tea.. I don't love the taste if it's not sweetened, but a little honey and sugar goes a long way.. and tea makes me happy :] and feel healthier!

Loving: I do love fall, and November makes me feel happy because it's one of the only months that I truly do things for ME and think about myself.

Thinking: A lot is coming up! Assessments, report cards, conferences.. I just need to make time for all of it and stay on track!

Wanting: This is a silly one, but I love my puppy more than anything, and I wish there were more places I could take her besides the park and Petsmart.. I mean, she will sit in a restaurant with me and be good! ;)

Needing: Doesn't need an explanation.. I just need a day for myself ! :)

 Reading: I am not currently reading any books, but I do subscribe to Women's Health.. this is my "me time" to become more informed about my health and making better choices.  Such a life struggle, but we all just have to keep going.

I hope you all have a wonderful November.  My birthday is on the 10th and that will start the biggest Giveaway I have ever had... with the help of amazing bloggers, there is going to be 3 grand prize winners with over $200 in prizes...COMING SOON


  1. Looking forward to hearing more about your giveaway! Those costumes were so creative. :)

    -Laura from Ms. Pretzel's Super 2nd Graders

  2. Omg your dog is so stankin cute! I have a little pooch named rosco...he was a skeleton this year!

  3. Happy birthday! Thank you for offering great prizes to your followers. I'm crazy for Amazon and would love to win that!!


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