Sunday, February 2, 2014

Bright Ideas for Writing

 Hi! I am so excited to be participating in the Bright Ideas Blog Hop with so many amazing bloggers.  I am writing today about my favorite assessment tool that I have used with my 3rd graders, 4th graders, and now Kindergartners - and it all works successfully :) - PORTFOLIOS!

 What I love about using portfolios is the freedom and creativity you can discover.  Your children can do a specific assignment or a free write, and place it in their portfolio and watch their writing show progress over the year.  The most important part of my kiddos portfolios - that they take ownership of their writing and LOVE it. They know I am so very proud of them, but it is more important that they are proud of themselves for their learning and creative writing.
Here are some portfolio samples from my sweet Ella from this year : ) She is growing into such a little writer!  Her free writing was about the tortoise and the hare, and she made it her own.  Such a very proud Kindergarten teacher!

 One of my favorite parts of my students' portfolios and the writing process is authors share.  It is their moment to shine and to be in the spotlight to share their masterpieces.  Portfolios can work with any grade level and with any individual.  Watching them grow is priceless and something that their families can keep along their educational journey.

If you are looking for more great ideas, please hop on over the wonderful Mrs. Wheeler about her take on classroom management.  You don't want to miss this amazing first grade teacher's post!

Mrs Wheelers First Grade


  1. Wonderful idea for writing portfolios! I love when students get excited to choose their own paper.
    Your blog design it the cutest!

    Seconds at the Beach

  2. Love your ideas for portfolios! And I love seeing student's writing progress as the year goes on- so great! Thanks for sharing these tips!

    Katie :)
    KTP: Keep Teaching and Planning!

  3. I love your writing portfolios! It is great to see their progress over the year. Great tips!
    Conversations in Literacy


I appreciate all of your comments. Thank you so much for stopping by! :)