Sunday, March 9, 2014

Dry Erase: Great Invention!

I am so excited to be a part of the Bright Ideas Blog Hop this month :] I hope that you each take with you, many different ideas for your classroom or at home teaching. 
Today in my blog post, I wanted to express my love for dry erase boards.  Not only because they can be used in any grade level and for any subject, but also that the kids LOVE them.  One of my biggest components about teaching is my students to enjoy what they do, and make it as hands-on and fun as possible. 
Dry erase boards come in all different shapes and sizes... some have lines, some don't.  I always find great deals on markers and boards at Target and Staples when they have the teacher sales.  The more colors I have, the more the kids love! Dry erase helps with math, social studies, science, spelling, handwriting, I think the most I ever use them for is REVIEW.  A wonderful way to review different concepts for children!

I store my dry erase boards in one of my drawers.. the students know exactly where to get them! And we have a "dry erase cup" (that I got at Target, 3 for $1) with all the different colors.  My kinders love searching through the cup for the right color :] I make sure they are quick about their choice so they can get right to work.  For example, a Daily 5 Word Work choice! How do you store your dry erase products? :]
 Examples of how to use dry erase for math and literacy! :]
 My sweet student Ella volunteered to do some dry erase work.  She did it within a few minutes and loved it! She thought of the idea, picture, and what to do with the dry erase board all by herself.  I didn't tell her to write, draw, or anything.  I love the creativity that comes with this!
 Then she decided to do some math facts as well!

 You can laminate ANYTHING and make it dry erase... I absolutely love using it for Calendar and other centers.  All of the students I have taught, younger and older, have LOVED using dry erase.  Hope yours do too!
Please hop on over to Mrs. Lovely Farrah Shipley, who is absolutely wonderful! I think you will love her Bright Idea! :)
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  1. I love using dry erase boards as well! I use them daily in guided reading and quite often for word work activities.

    Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten

    1. Aren't they great, Amanda? I never realized how much I can use them because the kids love them :) Thanks for commenting!

  2. I love the dry erase board draws you have. Simple, but I hadn't thought of that yet. I have them jammed between a bunch of stuff on my shelves. I love that idea! Thanks Miss Laura!

    1. :) You are so welcome Sarah!! It's easy for the kids to get in and out of!!

  3. I agree with Sarah! I like how you organize your dry erase boards. Thanks for all of the pictures showing the different ways you use them!


  4. Great ideas, Laura! I also use the Vis a Vis wet erase markers on them. This way I can write a problem in wet erase to use in stations or for a fun rotation. The kids solve them with dry erase markers and when their turn is over, they can wipe off their work and the problem stays! :)

  5. i simply love the concept, each invention has its own advantages and disadvantages that makes it better. But beside this every new idea should be acceptable like yours.


I appreciate all of your comments. Thank you so much for stopping by! :)