Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Currently 2014

Happy April Fools Day! :]
I hope everyone is having a great 2014.. My year was off to a rocky start, but I am starting to take more time for myself and get healthy.. that's what my Currently from Farley seems to be based on.. bettering myself as Spring continues and the warm weather comes!
Listening: Saved by the Bell... who loved this show in the 90's?! Well my boyfriend and I don't have cable so we definitely collect a lot of old school DVDs to help us get through the evenings... lately, we have been on a Game of Thrones kick too!

Loving: I love my Kindergarteners... hands down, they are the joy of my day and make me so happy to be their teacher.

Thinking: I am starting a new program - a cleanse and eating clean.  I will let you know how it goes! I am excited and nervous all at the same time!

Wanting: More..time.  I want more time to myself, to even paint my nails, watch a TV show, read a book... but I unfortunately also need more time to make TPT products for YOU and my wonderful children.  I am trying hard.. I hope you can stop by my store and become a follower :] It means so much to me!

Needing: To take care myself (hence the cleanse/eating better).. the warm weather is coming too, I want to look good and be healthier!

Hours and the last day: Well, silly me didn't even include the last day of school... it's June 25th! And the kids come to school 7:50-3:00 every day :]

I just have to share this ADORABLE FARM FREEBIE from Reagan Tunstall.. she's such an amazing person and has wonderful primary products on TPT. My Kinders are learning about different animals in different habitats and this was a great product for them.

Hope you have a wonderful April!! XO


  1. I love Saved By The Bell. I am a huge retro sitcom fan. I love your blog and also love your blog posts. I am going to follow you on TPT.

    Teaching, Studying, and Praying…Oh My!!!

  2. Loved Saved By the Bell! Good luck with the cleanse!

  3. I LOVE Saved by the Bell!!! Too Funny! I always tell people that I collect books and maybe someday I will have time to read them!

  4. I love this idea, to have this set up on how you are doing at a current time as a pre-service teacher this is something I would definitely think of doing, thanks for the great idea and now I have the urge to watch Saved by the Bell.

  5. Cute bulletin board! I love my kinders, too. Some of the things they say are hilarious!


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