Friday, January 2, 2015

2015 New Years Goals
I was inspired to blog and link up with the lovely Erica Bohrer from Erica's Ed-Ventures, a fellow New Yorker just like me!  I think it will be refreshing for me to take the time to write out my 2015 goals and reflect on what I would like to change or improve in my life.  It's also great to think about what I have accomplished as well - I don't give myself enough credit sometimes! ;)
This is probably the most difficult goal to think about, but I truly would like to limit my spending even more than I already do, continue to pay my bills on time, and continue to put more time and effort into Teachers Pay Teachers.  It's so hard to find time after teaching all day and cooking and cleaning and taking care of my little Lily, but I often find myself doing work anyways every evening, so why not apply that more to TPT and what I create? The worst is, I create for my kiddos and put it on TPT, and no one buys... but the positive side is if even one person buys, there I go :)
Money is tight, but maybe I can even save enough to do a nice vacation this summer.. not Vegas or anything, but a nice vacay within driving distance and treat myself a little! We will see :)

I always will strive to be the best teacher I can be.  In 2014, I have attended a number of professional development sessions and I want to continue to do this.  The best part is that my blogging friends have been the best resource for me with their experiences and knowledge.  I want to keep adding to my file, portfolio, and try at least 3 new teaching methods with my kids :) 

I have been very proud of myself the end of 2014 for improving my weight little by little and also changing my liver - it only took 4 years, but I am on the right path! I would love to continue to lose weight, gain more energy, and just feel more comfortable in my own skin.  It's TIME!  This goal is just as important to me as my financial goals - both are my necessities in my life xo

I will be 30 in 2015 and I still feel like I haven't "lived."  No big trips or big purchases... not a lot of time for myself - work, work, work.  So in 2015 I want to do more for myself, even if it is an hour here or there... I need to make time for myself.  Life is meant to be enjoyed :)  I am always worried about everyone else, and it's time for me to think about myself xo 

Have a wonderful 2015! Keep in touch with me--I love hearing from all of you!

1 comment:

  1. What great goals- but lofty ones! I'm glad to see that just taking you time and doing the things you love to really enjoy life are part of your goals, too- you deserve it! :)

    Love ya, girl!


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