And yesss finally a walk-in closet!! I am super psyched and filled it immediately :) It has all my clothes, shoes, accessories, and teacher things in there :)
My latest and greatest find (well, my mom's find)... CROCS! Absolutely in love, and I was so in love I spent a good amount of money on TWO pairs.. yes, they were the same, exact shoe but I couldn't pass it up - I have never had a more comfortable pair of shoes! Will be wearing these all the time... check out your stores and try on a pair! You won't be disappointed.
Cute end of the year freebies!
I already set up these cute little seed packets for each of my kiddos.. I thought this was such an adorable idea especially because my 2nd and 3rd graders continue to grow :) Check it out here from The World of Mrs. B!
For my next bulletin board activity with the kids, I have decided to do this Dragonfly Craft brought to you by Megan Mitchell :)

I have been lacking energy to create new TPT/TN products lately.. I need to get a move on, but I know this summer is going to be full of fun units and activities. I can't wait to do Summer School (It will be my 9th summer working this since I was leaving high school! And nannying, tutoring, teaching piano, and just keeping busy. Always keeping busy!
I will be doing a GIVEAWAY soon, I promise! Just getting my life a little more in order! Enjoy your week everyone! Happy Memorial Day, and to some of you, Happy Summer already!!!