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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Inspiration Monday

It isn't Monday anymore, but it will be coming around again soon.. I wanted to link up with one of my newest friend, Dana from Fun in 1st Grade :) We all know that Mondays are difficult.. especially when I come back from a break.  If our weeks would just start on Tuesday, I think i would have no problems ;) I am linking up an inspirational picture and quote that mean something to me:
This is a beautiful picture I found of a little boy saying a prayer.  I found it from this wonderful website about children all over the world saying prayers to God of what they want... one child from the Phillipines said, "I pray for a bicycle so that I won't need to walk under the hot sun whenever I go home from school." It is a website for sponsoring children who need more for their education and lives. It really touched me XO hopefully I can help others someday (financially).
One of my favorite quotes of all time, and definitely tells a lot about myself.  I am the opposite of a procrastinator and I always want to do better.  Do we all fail? Of course..and that is difficult for me to handle.  But when I feel like I need to give up or I am failing, then I think of the quote up above.  "She believed she could.... so she did."  For all the times people thought I couldn't, I did... a very difficult goal of mine is to lose weight and fix my health issues.. I believe I I will :]
Thanks for reading, and please link up with Fun in 1st Grade! :]

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