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Friday, April 6, 2012

New Government Unit


I have been waiting for this since... well, probably my last break in February :) Today was my first day of my vacation, and boy, do I know how to have fun! (Insert sarcasm here)... I got my oil changed, and car inspected (it failed), cleaned my apartment, grocery shopped, donated clothes, and went to the gym.  As my mother says, "all grown up things".  I had to buy 3 new tires today.. not cool.  I am getting all the "fun" stuff out of the way so I can really relax next weekend. But that never happens, I always find something to work on.. especially when it comes to blogging/products!

I was pretty exhausted tonight, but I finally finished my Government Unit! I am very excited about it, since it contains a lot of information that I feel all students should know.  It's a lot of reading comprehension and outlined for students to do a review and take short notes, so it is definitely designed for older students.  It was a struggle trying to get it under 50 Mg, so I had to delete a page.. oh well, it's still a good unit :)

Please check it out on Teacher's Notebook or Teacher's Pay Teachers!! 

It is now 12:30 AM so after 3 hours of finally uploading my new product I am going to bed :) Sale on both my stores is coming very soon!! So be on the look out :)


  1. Looking forward to checking out the government unit! Happy Easter weekend and TAG you're IT! SWING on over to my blog to check out the details in this cute game of TAG! Michelle

    1. Hey sweetie! Great to hear from you.. I will check out the questions, I was tagged by someone else too and I don't know if I'll have time to do both.. I can't wait to read your answers though :)


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